Mazal Tov - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Mazal Tov
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Mazal Tov - ορισμός

Mozeltov; Mazeltov; Mazel Tov; Mazal; Mozoltov; Mazal Tov; Muzzletuff; Muzzletuf; Mazal tov; מזל טוב; Mazalozo / mazaloza
  • A [[birthday cake]] iced with the words "מזל טוב" (''mazal tov''), often done in [[Israel]]. Here the phrase is written in [[Hebrew cursive]].
  • "Mazel Tov!" written on a wine glass tag
  • In Israel, it is common that after the groom breaks the glass, the guests shout "Mazel tov!"

Mazel tov         
"Mazel tov" or "mazal tov" (Hebrew/Yiddish: , Hebrew: mazál tov; Yiddish: mázl tov; lit. "good fortune") is a Jewish phrase used to express congratulations for a happy and significant occasion or event.
mazel tov         
['maz(?)l ?t?:v, ?t?f]
¦ exclamation (among Jews) congratulations; good luck.
from mod. Heb. mazzal ?o?, lit. 'good star'.
Yom Tov Tzahalon         
Maharitatz; Yom-Ṭob Ẓahalon; Yom-Tov Zahalon; Yom Tov ben Moses Tzahalon; Yom-Tob Zahalon
Yom Tov ben Moshe Tzahalon, (), also known as the Maharitz, ( 1559 – 1638, Safed, Eyalet of Sidon), was a student of Moses di Trani and Moshe Alshich, and published a collection of responsa.


Mazel tov

"Mazel tov" or "mazal tov" (Hebrew/Yiddish: מזל טוב‎, Hebrew: mazál tov; Yiddish: mázl tov; lit. "good fortune") is a Jewish phrase used to express congratulations for a happy and significant occasion or event.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Mazal Tov
1. This year, Danya Cebus stock has lost '2%. Mazal tov, Bank Hapoalim, for becoming a partner in Maariv.
2. The scientists also found that the severity of symptoms didn‘t correlate to the severity of damage to the gut. (TheMarker) Advertisement Mazal tov: Zeev Vurembrand officially took over as CEO of Blue Square Israel, starting yesterday.
3. Markstone, a private equity fund, had bought the controlling interest in Steimatzky in 2005 for somewhere between $50 million to $60 million and the talks with Super–Sol centered on a company valuation of $65 million. (Adi Dovrat) Advertisement ? In other Super–Sol news, mazal tov – it received permission from the Tax Authority to merge its business with Clubmarket, which it acquired in 2005.
4. Grinning in full gloat, Netanel – dressed in casual–to–sloppy Jerusalem style, with shirt tails hanging over his loose jeans – gets in and asks the mayor provocatively, "What, don‘t I get a mazal tov [congratulations]?" Lupolianski – short, well–tailored, every bit the confident mayor – responds in kind.
5. It‘s early days, though – Crystal says the terms and price haven‘t been agreed on, nor how much of the operations it itself would own. (TheMarker) Mazal tov, Nice Nice Systems says it‘s been recognized by industry analyst Datamonitor for holding the "world leadership position" in workforce–optimization solutions.